• Clint Eastwood
On November 19, 2003, Clint Eastwood sat down with Henry Sheehan for an interview at his offices at Warner Bros.
The conversation covered Eastwood's love of jazz, his use of music in his films, his editing and shooting styles, and how the way he works with actors effects mise-en-scene. more
Bahman Ghobadi
"I have come here just now, to sit with you. I am sitting, I’m relaxed. But really, I can’t relax. All I can do is run. That’s all I know how to do. From the time I was little, I’ve run. That’s what I do."
Its early April, 2003 and the speaker is Kurdish filmmaker Bahman Ghobadi. And though hes comfortably sprawled out in a chair on the breakfast patio at West Hollywoods Bel Age Hotel, its easy to believe him. Belying his posture and quiet voice are his eyes. Whatever their true color, when he reaches a point of intensity in the conversation which is to say, every couple of minutes they turn the color of onyx. Its as if some massive measure of self-control has fused all his anger or frustration or bitterness into a narrow beam that shoots out harmlessly, if disconcertingly at times, through his gaze. more |
Johnnie To
 Johnnie To, just as frequently credited as Johnny To or Johnnie To Kei-Fung, or perhaps even Du Qifeng, has been making the most interesting gangster films to come out of Hong Kong for at least the last six years. Unfortunately, almost none of these movies have been shown in the United States. The Mission (1999) has been shown at film festivals, but the extraordinary A Hero Never Dies (1998) and the deft Running Out of Time (1999) have been only available on import DVDs, and then fitfully. The problem has been alleviated somewhat with Palm Picturess release of the delirious Fulltime Killer, a 2001 feature To directed along with his usual directing and producing partner, Wai Ka Fai. more
Vincente Minnelli
(Web exclusive) - Vincente Minnelli died in 1986 at the age of 83 and the obituaries largely referred to him as the director of An American in Paris and Gigi. No shame in that. But its time to start engraving his name on the Pantheon.
Ive decided to print the entire interview in transcript form for a few reasons. First of all, this is the internet, and its supposed to have the room to get out all kinds of raw information unedited. Maybe later Ill cut it down. more |
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